Abuse changes you
It affects what you think
It affects how you choose
Where you focus
And how you see the world
Your heart aches in a thousand
Unnameable ways
Your mind spins around
A whirlpool of memories
Circling the drain of what Is
Your daily life
Thoughts of what-might-have-beens
And what-ifs causing
Paralysis and questions
Leading you down
Into a depression
At the core of your being
Once acknowledged
Sharp edges fully felt
Will lead you slowly
Ever so slowly
Out of a coma
Walking stilted
And weak
Into a dimlit sun
Its not all bad
Because you lived
And you learned
Differently now
And breathe a new
Future protjecting itself
In front of you
Stretching and yawning
As it wakes
With possibilities
I wake
And still I rise
Each day
As more time goes by
My heart
Heals differently