
Roz Madder
Sep 24, 2020


Abuse changes you
It affects what you think
It affects how you choose
Where you focus
And how you see the world

Your heart aches in a thousand
Unnameable ways
Your mind spins around
A whirlpool of memories
Circling the drain of what Is

Your daily life
Thoughts of what-might-have-beens
And what-ifs causing
Paralysis and questions
Leading you down

Into a depression
At the core of your being
Once acknowledged
Sharp edges fully felt
Will lead you slowly

Ever so slowly
Out of a coma
Walking stilted
And weak
Into a dimlit sun

Its not all bad
Because you lived
And you learned
Differently now
And breathe a new

Future protjecting itself
In front of you
Stretching and yawning
As it wakes
With possibilities

I wake
And still I rise
Each day
As more time goes by
My heart
Heals differently




Roz Madder
Roz Madder

Written by Roz Madder

Human hacking the boundaries of experience. Mixing Poetry & Engineering. Making hay wending wyrd. Twitter:@jdcarlston, IG:@r0zm4ddr, (they)

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