Esoteric Synesthesia
Listen to the singing
The ringing of the
The symphony
A syncretized synchrony
Ecstatic everywhen
Sounding off
Outside in and offering
Up the moments passing by
Making meaningful
Devotion With Divinity
Each moment full
erotic and exotic
of madness silly sadness
and of gladness in the badlands
Goodness and bananas
Antimony Aunties
Anti-Binary Byzantines
Caught like a Cat
burning on a hot tin roof
before a cold fall night
'Tis true my Love
I’ll find you
And in my darkness bind you
But only to our freedom, Truth
And one Rule
Do as Thou Wilt
shall be the whole of the law
Love is The Law
under Will
The rest
Is in how to play
within the Qingdom
of our dreams
spoken ‘loud
God/Goddess I AM
Thou Art