Sending Love

Roz Madder
1 min readApr 6, 2023


Sending love.

To You.
Soulful love.
Love that speaks to being grateful to be alive.
Love that expresses gratitude to have so many amazing and kind people nearby
in our lives.

Love of the spirit and of the flesh being safe walking down the street and inside home.
Love that combines feeling thankful
that we have somehow managed to survive
so many close calls.
Love in awe that we are able to thrive in this world, to continue to have an open heart in this world, to carve out a space that fits, that grows and continues to expand -

that sparks a smile on our face
twinkles in our eyes 
and joy in our heart.
Love that works to make itself beautiful inside and out.
Love that thrives despite this world, despite and because of how others behave.
Love that just keeps going, and going, and going…
Love in being, in being not, and in continuing to be.




Roz Madder

Human hacking the boundaries of experience. Mixing Poetry & Engineering. Making hay wending wyrd. Twitter:@jdcarlston, IG:@r0zm4ddr, (they)